Sunday, January 8, 2012

2011: Thank You

Well 2011 is over and I successfully completed 34 things on my list. I'm not beating myself up about not completing all 40 - I did, after all, spend one weekend a month out of town, took a two-week tour of the Midwest this summer, let alone weekly movies (I ended up seeing exactly 52 movies this year... craziness) and overall led a busy, crazy, hectic wonderful life. I am pretty proud of myself, because I did about 33 more things than I probably would have done without the list.

I decided to add a few more things that I discovered over the last year and knew that I wanted to explore and blog about. I can't wait to write about those journeys as they come! But in the meantime, I would like to take a second and thank absolutely everyone that helped/participated in all the activities in 2011.

First to my BF Ronny: You are SUCH an amazing good sport. I dragged you to museums you had little interest in, made you eat Pink's hot dogs (ew) and wait for HOURS at the price is right, and connived you into hiking on Saturday mornings instead of sleeping. Of the 34 items completed, you were a participant or absolutely essential (hello, Dodgers tickets!) in a whopping TWENTY of them. But through it all, we got to participate in a Magic Castle show together (I won't tell the magician's secrets if you don't!), saw full dinosaur skeletons, and discovered the jewel that is Philippe's. THANK YOU for being so indulgent and supportive and for being so essential in helping me along my goal :)

Barbara - You are always game for anything, especially a CRAZY day in August that started with the Hollywood Museum, continued with the Griffith Observatory, and ended with the movie at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. I can't believe I convinced you to do it all! Also, the burlesque show, the UCLA football game and the Huntington Gardens wouldn't have happened without you!! Thank you so much for being such a big part of my list (and my life!) in 2011.

Regina and Kaio -One of my most favorite couples, thank you for embarking on the promising yet disappointing journey of Restaurant Row with me. Most restaurants weren't that great, but luckily we didn't get any food poisoning! Kaio - thank you for introducing me to the magic that is Black Version and the Groundlings, and Reg - thank you for your enthusiasm for the Hollywood museum, it felt good to have someone to nerd out with :)

Meaghan - It may annoy me in the present, but I DO have to thank you for your photo-craziness and insisting on all the pictures from the Richard Simmons class. I haven't seen my facebook blow up that fast EVER as the night I posted those pics! You also looked HOT at the Magic Castle and I have never seen someone so enthusiastic for The Little Mermaid! We have to go back to the El Cap for The Lady and the Tramp in February! :)

Tracy - Obvi I have to thank you for your amazing Playboy hookup (that post remains my most-read post on the entire site!) That was such a treat and something that would have been impossible without you. And of course, thank you also for accompanying me to drag queen bingo! We should go again soon.. maybe you will win something fab this time! Oh.. and I almost forgot! YOU were the one that volunteered me for the magic castle show!

Marsha - Thank you for not diva-ing out on that completely sketchy dim sum place in Chinatown! I definitely would have freaked out if you had freaked out. I also absolutely loved going on the horseback ride with you and Nicole. Going with anyone else wouldn't have been the same!

Joey and Josh - for lending me your pups to help tug me up all the hikes. Seriously, Archie got me through the last stretch of the Hollywood sign hike when I thought I wouldn't make it. And for coming out for the Real Housewives UCB show, and the movie at the cemetery (thanks for the great quote Josh!) and for overall being fabulous Angelenos.

Betsy and Caro - for helping me check off the FIRST thing from my list at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. The flight line was a totally life-memory and that little baby elephant was TOO MUCH!

Jannine - my roommate who gets to hear my manic recaps of every single thing I do (lucky her!!) Thank you for educating me on Runyon, UCB, everything Lakers, and for coming to the Magic Castle and the cemetery movie! Oh and Gyu-Kaku on restaurant row.. They have happy hours every day now, we have to go back!

Sona - for being up for the craziness that is the ART WALK and for being my downtown Guru. I know you're in med school but we need to see each other more!!

And Joli, my new LA protege, who on a moment's notice (literally about 20 minutes) came all the way out to downtown with me to see the amazing LA Philharmonic at the Disney Concert Hall. Thank you for your adventurous spirit and I promise to take you on more adventures this year (and maybe you'll show me some on the Westside!)

I really hope I didn't forget anyone. You are all MVPs and I can guarantee I wouldn't have done any of these things, experienced all these memories, if you hadn't participated with me! Making this list was pretty life-changing for me, and I can't begin to thank you all for helping me along the way.

Here's to an amazing (and active!) 2012!!


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