Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolution

Yes, I know it's a bit past New Year's now, but I only just came up with the bright idea to blog about my 2011 New Years Resolution. So bear with me.

When I was younger I loved making New Years Resolutions. But they would always be something lofty and abstract, like "strive to be the best person possible" or "be kind every day." Um, shouldn't those be daily goals anyway, not just something for the sake of the New Year? So last year I decided that from now on, my resolutions are going to be actionable goals, something that I couldn't do/ wasn't doing in January, and something I could do/ was doing by December.

Just in case you're curious, 2010's goal was to learn every country in the world. I literally tested myself every week on the countries of different continents. I'm sure it set off many NERD ALERTS amongst my friends, but I am very proud of myself that I can now point out even the most obscure countries on the map.

In December, I had been thinking frequently about certain things I had wanted to do around Los Angeles but just had never gotten around to doing. And I asked myself, I drive by Pink's Famous Chili Dogs every day... I've always wanted to try one, why haven't I? Over and over again... different restaurants I'd always wanted to try, shows I'd wanted to see, touristy sight-seeing things I had yet to take advantage of... and it hit me. WHAT AM I WAITING FOR?! I have already been very vocal about the fact that I don't plan on spending the rest of my life in Los Angeles, and the last thing I want to do is move away and regret not doing any of the amazing LA-specific things that were on my mental list.

So I sat down and wrote out all the things I could think of. I asked my friends for more suggestions, checked out a few of those "100 Things to do in LA" blogs, and my final list came to 40. I figured that was ambitious enough.

It totals to about 3- 4 different activities a month. I know it will be a challenge, but my excitement to experience everything on my list makes it all worth it. I can't wait to share each of these experiences with you!


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