Monday, March 7, 2011

#6 Lakers Game

My friend Meaghan is from Iowa, and though she complains about it constantly (all the snow, no cell service, horse-and-buggies instead of cars) according to her, the hands-down #1 worst thing is that she doesn't have a single professional Iowa sports team she can root for!! As my favorite Real Housewife from Atlanta, Dwight, would say, HOW DREADFUL!! Truly, one of the blessings of living in Los Angeles is that you can be a fan of the LA Dodgers, Lakers, Galaxy, Kings, Angels OR the Clippers!

I love being a sports fan. A good game on TV can spice up an otherwise boring day, the fan community is exhilarating, and when your team wins, you feel the win too! The only reason I had never seen a Lakers game at the Staples Center is because they are pretty expensive, but 2011 is the year that I focus on spending my money on making memories, not just filling my closet. When my BF told me he had found decent tickets to the Lakers vs. Bobcats game for an affordable price, all I had to do was customize my yellow Lakers shirt and dig out some purple Mardi Gras beads and I was set!

We decided to skip the expensive mess of parking in downtown, and instead took the subway from Hollywood to the 7th St. station in downtown. I had only taken the subway once before, and it was so easy and inexpensive... I really look forward to the day when public transportation is a viable option in this city!

Once we got downtown, it was an easy 10 minute walk to LA Live and the Staples Center. We found our seats (first row of the upper section) and eagerly watched the teams warm up. Even from high up, the players looked like beasts! Much bigger than they look on TV. We enjoyed the game, especially the Camacho Nachos that Ronny ordered. I'm sure that meal was about 2,000 calories of cheese, chips, guacamole and pure deliciousness.

The Lakers ended up winning the game (of course they won... come on). The game wasn't very eventful; both teams scored under 100 points, no one was injured, there werent even many major disputes or fouls. Honestly, one of the most exciting parts of the game (for me) was when they showed Roger Federer and Pete Sampras sitting next to each other, courtside. (Also, thanks to Facebook status updates, I found out my friend Sona was at the game, and we were able to meet up briefly in the 3rd quarter so she could meet my bf.) And, since the Bobcats scored under 100 points, we got coupons for free tacos from Jack in the Box. Towards the end of the night, the "LETS GO LAA-KERS" chants turned into the "WE WANT TAAA-COOS!" chant. (Side note: I ended up giving my tacos coupon to a homeless guy at the downtown artwalk the next week).

After the game we met up with some good friends at one of my favorite downtown bars, 7 Grand (on the corner of 7th and Grand, of course) for a celebratory drink. My friend gave us a ride back to my car, so we didn't have to brave the subway at midnight.

Overall, the Lakers game was a blast, and I really think every LA fan should go to at least one. However, I don't think I will splurge on tickets very often. Watching the games on TV is almost as exciting for me, and much, much cheaper! I will spend my next $80 on another item from my list!

View from our seats

Kobe free throw!

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