Sunday, July 7, 2013

30 Before 30: Buy a Mini Cooper

The other day, I fulfilled a huge goal in my life thus far, and bought a car.  And not just any car - my dream car, a Mini Cooper hardtop.

I have been lusting after Minis for years.  Every time I saw one on the street, my inner voice would squeal "miniiiiii!!!" and I even test drove them several times over the years.  I was smitten.  As every male close to me in life kept reminding me, it certainly would have been more "practical" to get an economy car like a Honda or a Toyota, or really any Japanese car with 4 doors and a large trunk, etc.  

But whatever.  I'm not going to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a car that someone else wants me to buy.  I know that in just a few short years I will have to buy that practical car (especially if the twin prediction comes true) and I didn't want to spend the rest of my life regretting the fact that I didn't take advantage of the one time I could buy what I really wanted.

So I saved for three years, I worked really hard to get my credit score up, and I wrote the biggest check of my life.  And boooyyyy does it feel good to have bought myself exactly what I have wanted for years!  :)