Tuesday, February 19, 2013

30 Before 30: A Color Run

If something is advertised as the "most fun anything on Earth," I will probably try it.  So it was no surprise that when I heard of The Color Run - advertised as "the most fun 5K on Earth" - I was determined to do one.  Even though I had only moved up to the Bay Area weeks prior, I traveled back down to Los Angeles in early February to do the 2013 run with Barbara and Marsha.

One of the main reasons why I wanted to do the LA run was because it was held at my beloved Dodgers Stadium.  The course consisted of twists and turns around the huge stadium parking lot, with four different "color stations" along the way.  We would go under an arch of colored balloons (first blue, then orange, yellow and finally pink) where volunteers would then cover us from head to toe in coordinating colored powder.  It was a bit unfortunate that they started with blue and orange, as those colors ended up looking brown for the majority of the race.

Marsha was smart and brought us all red hats which not only protected our hair, but helped us spot each other in the huge crowd.  They said 10,000 runners registered for the morning race, not to mention 10,000 more for the afternoon shift.  It was a bit crazy, but lots of people got really into it with full outfits, tutus, rainbow socks, wigs, and everything in between.

For $40, it was definitely worth the experience (and the cute free shirt), but it's probably not something I will do again.  The girls and I had a blast (not to mention a little exercise!), but the process of getting clean after the fact wasn't so fun!  Barb had green-tinged hands and I had blue between my toes for days!

Friday, February 1, 2013

30 Before 30: Get my Tarot Cards Read

It's fun to be a skeptic of psychics and clairvoyants, but it's even more fun to be a believer and to be totally blown away.  I've always wanted to get my tarot cards read, just to see how close they could come to the eventual truth.

My friend Barbara and I went and got our tarot cards read the other day.  It was a last-minute decision and I didn't even prepare questions, but had a great time sitting back and hearing what the psychic had to tell me.

She gave me 5 separate readings, each of which I picked 12 random cards out of a deck of about 50.  Each time, she was excited and happy to tell me that everything in my life was super, super positive.  Lots of good things coming my way (yay!!).  She had asked me if I had moved or relocated lately (yes!) and she told me that it was the absolute best decision for me and this new location was where I belonged.  She asked if I was looking for a new job (yes!) and said she saw big success coming to me in my job search, specifically that I would find a job I LOVE at a big, industry-leader company.

She also knew I had an older brother who was a Taurus who traveled a lot and loves to fly.  Like seriously, how could she know that?!  She said that my brother looks over me and I'm lucky to have such a great relationship in my life.  Awww, thanks Broski!

I loved all the positive messages, and she even gave me pretty specific times as to when I would get a job, get engaged, and have kids.  Not that I will hold her to the dates, but I am excited to see if she's right!

With all this positive news, it was a completely wonderful experience.  The psychic said that she really enjoyed my reading because she rarely gets to deliver such positive, good news!  I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if my future was filled with negativity or uncertainty. 

However... She also told me that if and when I decide to have kids, I will have twin boys.  Lord help me.

UPDATE:  She told me I would find a job by the end of Pisces, which ends March 20.  I was giving a job offer on March 14 and signed the papers on March 18!  She said the pay would be great (it is) and that it would be an industry-leading company (also true)!